David Drábek
Chocolate eaters
romantic comedy
Directed by: Telihay Péter a.h.
After the death of their parents, three sisters decided to shut themselves in their parents house. They try to handle this tragic situation in various ways until one of the sisters wants her father´s heritage for herself. What is more important? The world salvation or our own happiness? To rescue the others or to find a life partner? Who do we trust? The living or the dead? During sweet and sour, surrealistic situations, during humorous and really pleasant scenes we will find out if the answers to these questions even exist or if they are really important. David Drábek is one of the most original current Czech playwrights and producers. He mixes his own reality with a dream, facts with poetry, the present with legends. His comedy The Chocolate eaters became the comedy of the year in 2011.
Helena | Lax Judit |
Róza | Nagy Kornélia |
Valérie | Rab Henrietta |
Jan | Nádasdi Péter |
Ludvík | Ollé Erik |
Samuel | Madarász Máté |
Anya | Szabadi Emőke |
Apa, Buddha | Illés Oszkár |